Friday, October 29, 2010


What is in your heart to do?
What is your burning heart desire?
What makes you stay awake all night planning, strategizing and dreaming?
What is your greatest goal?
What do you yearn to achieve?
What makes your heart beat and your feet move with great strides?
What do you want to be remembered for?
Who do you best admire?
Who is your No. 1 role model?
What do you imagine yourself imagining?
What influence do you desire to wield?
What position do you see yourself best occupying?
What makes you happy at all times?
What would you live for?
What will you die for?
What brings a smile to your face and laughter to your heart and bounce to your steps?
What brings you great joy and satisfaction?
It is time to live that dream.
It is time to take that step.
It is time to achieve that dream.
It is time to actualize that goal.
It is time to build that company.
It is time to pay for that land and build that house.
It is time to take a leap of faith and reach that frontier that is deeply entrenched in your heart and mind.
It is time to close that deal and rap up that transaction.
It is time to rule your world.
It is time to win that race.
It is time to deliver on that promise.
It is time to commence that life transforming programme.
It is time to rule in your sphere of influence and be the star that you are.
It is time to champion that great cause.
It is time to incorporate that company.
It is time to commence that uphill task, realizing that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step forward.
It is time to banish all fears and do the seemingly impossible task knowing that with God the impossible is possible.
It is time to lose that weight and get back your shape and style all at one goal.
It is time to break the record and set a new amazingly amazing new record that will not be broken in your lifetime.
It is time to write that bestseller which will propel you to becoming a literary icon of your generation.
It is time to rise above obscurity and challenge the status quo with a view to blazing a new trail.
You are destined to achieve.
You are born to shine!
You are preserved to excel!
You are a trail blazer, a mountain mover and a generational icon.
You are a battle axe to pull down oppression and give hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless.
You are a star destined to shine forever.
You must achieve your life’s mission it is a non negotiable deal between you and GOD!
You must banish all fears and take the bull not just by the horn but take it by its entire body all at once.
You must make progress.
You must arise and shine for your light has come.
You are the light of your world, and the salt of the earth.
You are an icon.
You are a gem.
You are a treasure.
You are a STAR.
You must live to the billing.
God made you for a time like this.
God positioned you for greatness and it’s time to wear the garment and take up the mantle.
Reach forward and make a difference in your world.
The time is NOW!
The person is YOU!
Remember that regret can frustrate and destroy if you do not pursue that laudable dream that’s burning in your heart.
My job is to stir you to take action!
If you do TAKE ACTION, then my job is done!  My work finished!
Happy New Year!


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